Countries that import ivory are refusing to accept ivory shipments that do not have legal export documents. 进口象牙的国家拒绝接受没有合法发出口文件的海运的象牙。
Fortunately, most word processors can export and import documents in RTF, another well-documented format. 所幸的是,多数字处理程序都可以导入和导出RTF文档,RTF也是容易编制的格式。
Lossless import and export of Microsoft Word documents MicrosoftWord文档无损失的导入和导出
You can export an entire set of documents from a view in a Lotus Notes database, such as a specific folder in your mail database. 您可以从LotusNotes数据库中的一个视图中导出一整套文件,例如邮件数据库中的一个特定文件夹。
Export allows you to take the chart or table you are displaying and export it for use with other applications, such as presentations, documents, or spreadsheets. Export允许导出正在显示的图或表,用于其他应用程序,比如幻灯片、文档或电子表格。
And the last one enables the export of documents that result from a search by particular criteria over a collection. 最后一个选项支持导出根据特定条件对某个集合进行搜索后得到的文档。
The editors can also export documents to Adobe Acrobat ( PDF) format. 编辑器还可以AdobeAcrobat(PDF)格式导出文档。
As a result of this ongoing review, the department is encouraging prosecutors to pursue civil and criminal sanctions for straw-buyer fraud cases that lead to other criminal violations, such as tax fraud, identify theft fraud and the submission of false export documents. 因为这项仍在进行的审核工作,司法部鼓励检察官,对构成其他刑事犯罪(如税务欺诈、身份盗窃欺诈和提交虚假出口文件)的代购诈骗案件,追究民事和刑事责任。
Familiar with the export steps& documents. 熟悉出口业务各环节及单证制作。
The license certificate necessary in import and export and the attached documents; 进出口所需的许可证件及随附单证;
Export license for other goods subject to export license administration is issued by approval documents of Ministry of Commerce and managers'export contract ( copy of reserved copy). 其它实行出口许可证管理的出口货物,凭商务部批准文件及经营者的出口合同(正本复印件)签发出口许可证。
When foreign business operators export technologies or equipments, they shall retrieve the patent documents in the relevant technical fields of the country or region where the importer is located, so as to avoid infringing upon the patent right of any third part. 对外贸易经营者出口技术设备的,应就所涉技术领域检索进口方所在国家和地区的专利文献,避免侵犯第三方专利权。
In respect of those qualified, it will make administrative decisions to permit establishment of export warehouses under supervision and issue approving documents; 对于符合条件的,作出准予设立出口监管仓库的行政许可决定,并出具批准文件;
Shenzhen Tongda Far Trading is an export agency specializing in the business correspondence and documents to write and translate in English, Japanese and German; 深圳通达发贸易有限公司(原名深圳通达商务行)是一家专业从事产品出口代理,英、日、德公文函件写作与翻译的外贸公司。
Export price of the product under investigation means the export selling price of such product prescribed in the documents provided by the entity thereof when reporting to China Customs during the period of investigation. 被调查产品的出口价格是指调查期内被调查企业向中国海关报关申报单据中载明的被调查产品的出口销售价格。
If the products were not subject to licensing, customs clearance would be given after examination by Customs on the basis of export contracts and other relevant documents. 不属出口许可证管理的产品,海关凭出口合同和其他有关出口单证验放。
We do not issue any proof of export documents, such as proof of country of origin, or export visas. 本公司恕不发行订购商品之原产国证明、出口签证等出口证明。
Military trading companies shall append with the military export contract approval application the valid certification documents from recipient countries when filing with the State Bureau of military products trade. 军品贸易公司向国家军品贸易局申请批准军品出口合同时,应当附送接受国的有效证明文件。
Documents involved in the import and export business include banking and financial documents, commercial documents, and documents for government regulation. 进出口与业务涉及的单证包括三大类:金融单证、商业单证和用于政府管制的单证。
Users can also append comments to APIs and export them as Word documents. 用户还可以为API添加注释,并将它们导出到Word文档中。
This cargo is within the ambit of export restriction in China, some documents are required to be sent to Beijing for approval, the freight will be delayed until next week. 这种货物属于国家出口管制的范围,需寄相关资料到北京办有关手续,此批货将推迟到下周出货。
Be familiar with the import and export procedures, all the agency agreements, contracts and other documents. 熟悉进出口流程,及各种代理协议,合同等商务类文书。
Products Sales Marketing, follow up foreign orders, take charge of the export affairs such as Shipping, and Documents, Customs Declaration Clearance etc. 独立负责家具五金制品在中南欧,中东地区的外销及订单跟进,负责船务报关结汇等外贸实务。
China expressed its intention to export apples to the US in1996, and filed applications and submitted technical documents in1998. 1996年中国向美国提出出口苹果意向,1998年中国正式提出申请,并提交技术材料。
Export loan under mortgage of documents and negotiation are two kinds of financing methods under negotiation letter of credit. 出口押汇和议付是议付信用证项下的两种融资方式。
In this context, implementing integrated border management, combining port management resources, simplifying and coordinating the import and export procedures and documents prove to be the practical choice for many countries to promote trade security and facilitation. 在此背景下,实施口岸一体化管理,整合口岸管理资源,简化和协调进出口手续和单证成为许多国家推动贸易安全与便利的现实选择。
This article is on innovative automatic tabulation system can achieve the freedom to form output, But can also directly export FoxPro, Word, Excel, Web pages and documents, such as plain text file format has greatly facilitated the different systems of data sharing. 本文的创新点在于全自动制表系统,可实现表格的自由输出,同时还可直接导出FoxPro、Word、Excel、网页和纯文本文件等文件格式,极大方便了不同系统间的数据共享。
There are provisions related to export restrictions in GATT, TRIMS and other documents. GATT,TRIMS等文件中,都有涉及出口限制措施的规定。